NPI University of Bangladesh

NPI University of Bangladesh, also known as North Pacific International University of Bangladesh, is a private university located in the Dhaka metropolis of Hemayetpur and Manikganj, Bangladesh.

Founded in 2016 by Shamsur Rahman and Ishaque Ali Khan Panna, NPI University of Bangladesh, short for North Pacific International University, embarked on its journey in the Dhaka metropolis, straddling Hemayetpur and Manikganj. With official recognition from the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, this coeducational institution began its mission to uplift educational standards in the region.

NPIUB has carved a strong niche as a leading private university in Bangladesh. Its unwavering dedication to academic excellence and research is evident in its high-caliber faculty and the exceptional performance of its graduates in the professional world. NPIUB's commitment to a well-rounded student experience is reflected in its beautiful campuses, providing a nurturing environment for both learning and personal growth.

University Profile

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University Name NPI University of Bangladesh
Acronym NPIUB
Year Established 2016


The university is located in Manikganj. Find the address and map of the university below.

Address Manikganj, Bangladesh


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Phone +880 170-3444111
Website NPI University of Bangladesh Website
Email Click here to send email
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Programs and Courses

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Bachelor's Degrees Master's Degrees Doctorate Degrees Diplomas
Arts & Humanities n/a n/a n/a n/a
Business & Social Sciences n/a n/a
Engineering n/a n/a n/a
Language & Cultural Studies n/a n/a n/a
Medicine & Health n/a n/a n/a n/a
Science & Technology n/a n/a n/a n/a

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Scholarship and Financial Aids

No information is found on any scholarship or financial aid offered by NPI University of Bangladesh.

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Information on NPI University of Bangladesh was last updated on June 13, 2024.