Hassan II University Ain Chock Faculty of Dental Medicine

Hassan II University Ain Chock Faculty of Dental Medicine is located in Casablanca, Morocco. It is locally known as Université Hassan II Ain Chock Faculté de Medécine Dentaire.

University Profile

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University Name Hassan II University Ain Chock Faculty of Dental Medicine
Name in Local Language Université Hassan II Ain Chock Faculté de Medécine Dentaire


The university is located in Casablanca. Find the address of the university below.

Address Rue Abou Al Alaa Zahar 21100 B.P 9157 Mers Sultan, Casablanca, Morocco


Connect with the university easily! Find their contact details.

Phone 022 27 31 30
Fax 022 22 27 49
Website Hassan II University Ain Chock Faculty of Dental Medicine Website

Scholarship and Financial Aids

There is no information found on scholarships or financial aids offered by Hassan II University Ain Chock Faculty of Dental Medicine. You may like to visit their website for more details.

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