Sichuan Normal University

Sichuan Normal University is the oldest normal university (teacher's college) located in Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

The roots of this esteemed university stretch back to a tumultuous period in 1938. In the throes of political unrest, a larger institution was forced to relocate, giving rise to what would become this prestigious university. Initially, it functioned as an extension of the exiled university. However, by the mid-1940s, it emerged as an independent entity, forging its own path. The university's name underwent several transformations throughout its journey, mirroring the ever-shifting political landscape. Despite these outward changes, its core mission of education remained steadfast. Today, it stands tall as a giant in its region, the largest provincial university, offering the most comprehensive range of academic programs.

The early years of the university were marked by a spirit of resilience and adaptation. Established amidst a climate of political upheaval, it had to quickly establish its own identity and carve a niche for itself in the educational landscape. This period saw the university laying the groundwork for its academic excellence, focusing on teacher training programs that would have a lasting impact on the region's educational development. As China entered a new era, the university embraced growth and expansion. In the 1950s, it underwent a period of consolidation, merging with other institutions to broaden its academic scope. This period saw the introduction of new faculties beyond teacher training, encompassing various disciplines like sciences, humanities, and social sciences. This transformation solidified the university's position as a comprehensive institution, catering to a wider range of educational needs.

The latter half of the 20th century saw the university continue its ascent. It embraced advancements in pedagogy and curriculum development, ensuring its programs remained relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the job market. The university also fostered international collaborations, establishing exchange programs and welcoming foreign students, creating a more diverse and enriching learning environment. The turn of the 21st century ushered in a new era of innovation for the university. It actively pursued research opportunities, attracting leading scholars and fostering a culture of academic inquiry. This dedication to research excellence led to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements across various disciplines, further solidifying the university's reputation as a hub of knowledge creation.

Today, the university looks towards the future with a clear vision. It aspires to remain at the forefront of educational innovation, offering cutting-edge programs that equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the globalized world. With its unwavering commitment to academic excellence, a vibrant campus life, and a strong emphasis on moral grounding alongside intellectual development, this university is poised to shape generations of future leaders and thinkers.

University Profile

Get a quick snapshot of the university's key details.

University Name Sichuan Normal University
Name in Local Language 四川师范大学
Acronym SICNU
Year Established 1952


The university is located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Find the address of the university below.

Address Shizishanlu, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China


Connect with the university easily! Find their contact details.

Phone +86 (28) 477 0706
Fax +86 (28) 476 1103
Website Sichuan Normal University Website
Email Click here to send email
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Scholarship and Financial Aids

There is no information found on scholarships or financial aids offered by Sichuan Normal University. You may like to visit their website for more details.

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